How to Fix Facebook

Can't beat it, change it


Facebook made teenage girls, sad on purpose. Facebook school is for people to stay on their platform, as long as possible. Apparently, people stay on the platform. When they see stuff that makes them mad. If you keep logging off when you see a baby picture, um, Facebook made teenage girls, sad on purpose. Facebook school is for people to stay on the platform as long as possible. Apparently, people stay on longer when they see stuff that makes them mad. If you keep logging off when you see a baby's picture show up, they'll stop showing you baby's pictures. I wish I knew that when I was on Facebook. So that way, I guess obscene pictures of the kids that people I went to high school have. If you interact with content related to violent crime, then Facebook will continue to share, violent crime on your feed, because it makes you mad, even if people don't. If people know Facebook does this, they'll keep using it, because people are dumb, especially when they're mad. These dumb people won't stop using Facebook, they have too many pictures of their dumb kids on there. Some probably get a new phone every year, and they don't know or understand the cloud, the cloud. Facebook is really the only place where they have all these pictures together. So, what's the alternative. Some of these people probably can't even read. There's not another platform that relies heavily on pictures. There's no getting these people off Facebook, they probably won't even understand the situation if you explain it to them, they'll say, this book doesn't make me mad. Why should I stop using it. So here's the solution that I came up with normal people, people that understand the situation and know how to read. Need to trick the algorithms that Facebook uses to change their feets. When you see a picture of a fire, like and comment saying congratulations, or something like that. Make it sound like you enjoyed that concept. Then, when you see a picture of boobs act mad dislike the picture and comments saying, disgusting. I never want to see this again. After a few weeks, the algorithm will change. You'll start to see more boobs. But you have to keep disliking the boobs, because the more dislikes, those boobs get, then the more boobs, you will see. And if enough people keep doing this, then it'll change for everyone. And this is a great thing, because who doesn't like boobs. That's a good one.